My thanks to the following for their contributions to this website:
Shakespeare Illustrated, a wonderful collection of 19th century paintings by various artists of Shakespearean events and characters. The site was put together by Harry Rusche of Emory University; he has created a beautiful and valuable resource.
The Tate Gallery where many of the paintings you see on these pages are displayed.
Kevin Strom's Art of the West page, where I found the large image of John Simmons's "Titania."
UB Shakespeare, Professor David Willbern's site devoted to his two University at Buffalo classes on Shakespeare, where I found the Delacroix image, "The Death of Desdemona." There are links to many other art works with Shakespearean themes on this wonderful site.
Adobe Photoshop which I used for the graphics on these pages.
WeekSeven: their design and technical expertise, and also their unfailing good humour, contributed so much.